Sunday, October 11, 2009
Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 ( PC, PS, XBOX 360 )
Saturday, October 10, 2009
BATMAN (Arkham Asylum)

Also of note is the script, or more specifically, the person responsible for writing it. Paul Dini is known for his work on the Animated Series as well, but rarely are his talents displayed in such grandeur as this. The premise of Arkham Asylum is a simple one: the Joker has taken over, freed all the violent criminals within, and made the entire facility his own little circus with Batman under the spotlight, naturally. As the game progresses, it becomes clear that considerable thought has been given to the storyline – this is not just some mediocre action title with Batman-themed geometry. Dini’s vast experience with the characters, as well as the undisputed abilities of the cast, truly bring Arkham Asylum to life. The entire development team should be congratulated for creating a Batman world of unparalleled credibility.
This credibility is fundamental in creating what might be considered the first authentic Batman experience. It would not be stretch to call Arkham Asylum a “Batman Simulation”, in fact. As a comic-book character, it is the credibility of Batman’s world that makes him so compelling, not simply the realism. When you’re using “Detective Vision,” Batman is essentially scrutinizing multiple spectrums with a fidelity exceeding any known scanning equipment. Does any of this detract from the game? Of course not. It’s easy to throw fantastic elements around and write it off as “just a game”, but in the Batman universe, there is always a satisfactory excuse (Batman’s unique access to original and obscure technologies, for example). Perhaps more impressive is the fact that many will not even stop to question such things, because the game itself is so gloriously immersive.
Not surprisingly, Arkham Asylum seems to take more than a few hints from good ol’ Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell fame. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; in fact, I would argue that Splinter Cell works so well, many of its mechanics are worth studying. One of the underlying principles of stealth-based gameplay is that you must see the enemy before they see you. This is obviously easier when the game is presented in third person, and when the player is able to find concealment in the shadows. The alternative vision modes are the most extreme example of heightened situational awareness. Enemies can stand out like a sore thumb, making the hunt seem almost too easy at times. The abilities of Batman might make him seem a little overpowered at times, but why complain? After all, he is a superhero, and that’s how it should be.
Within any given context, there are plenty of options for mixing things up, and acting out your very own Batman moments. Rappel down to an unsuspecting guard to snatch him up like an ambush predator. Watch his fellow inmates panic when they discover his limp body, suspended in the air like a hunting trophy. See them scatter and search, only to get picked off one at a time, victims of the terrifying Batman. Track them and hunt them, sneaking up on them from behind and striking from the shadows. Of course, Batman doesn’t actually “kill” his enemies, only knocking them unconscious before moving on to another area of interest. Rest assured, there is still plenty of violence to be had.
The hand-to-hand combat is simple enough that you won’t feel much fear when pummeling goons. Stringing together moves can be done with little more than a few successive attacks, and some variety can be found in the form of counters and special moves. This is probably the biggest fault I can find with Arkham Asylum. The combat feels a bit watered down to appeal to more casual gamers. It would have been nice to see more in the way of counter attacks, with Batman-esque moves that turn the enemies’ aggression against them. The boss battles, although visually interesting, are also something of a letdown – primarily because they simply do not feel like boss battles at all.
Despite these disappointments, Arkham Asylum is an outstanding piece of digital entertainment. The musical score is appropriately moody, the sounds effects have plenty of oomph, and the voice acting is easily some of the best you’ll get in a video game. It should come as no surprise that the PC version of Arkham Asylum happens to be the prettiest. In fact, if your PC can handle all the high-end effects, this will be one of the best looking games in your library. Unless you are absolutely disgusted by Batman or action games in general, there is really no reason to pass on Arkham Asylum. It is truly Batman’s finest hour.
Review Scoring Details for Batman: Arkham Asylum |
Gameplay: 8.8
The boss fights and combat mechanics feel a little weak, but everything else works extremely well. Great pacing, variety, and some surprisingly good replayability thanks to the Riddler.
Graphics: 9.5
If your PC is up to snuff, I daresay that Batman has never looked so good.
Sound: 9.5
Superb audio design, with the voice performances being one of the game’s strongest points.
Difficulty: Easy/Medium
Batman dominates his foes physically, but there’s plenty of mayhem to keep him on his toes.
Concept: 9.0
Alright, so it’s Batman. Even so, the story is original, and the blend of combat, stealth, and detective gameplay is really fantastic.
Overall: 9.2
This is the first game that truly grants players an opportunity to be Batman, whether he’s using his intellect or his fists. Anyone with even a modicum of interest in playing an awesome Batman game should pick up Arkham Asylum, without any hesitation.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

These features make it easy to like the Half-Blood Prince as a connected moviegoer. The gameplay is where things get a little tricky because everything it provides is potentially entertaining. So what’s the problem, then? Every feature you’re about to discover is spoon-fed to the player. While not quite a cakewalk, the game is without any significant challenges; the only time you could possibly be stumped is when trying to figure out where to go next. Potter’s world is fairly large this time around, and there’s no way you’ll remember every location. Thus, the developers included a handy – and very necessary – level guide in the form of Nearly Headless Nick.
Part of me can’t complain about Nearly Headless Nick because the game would be torture without him. But by creating a game like this, one that needs a level guide, the Half-Blood Prince is quickly watered down with go here, go there escapades. Players will backtrack more times than they can count – and no, having a guide doesn’t make that experience any less repetitive. It merely makes it more tolerable, because without the guide you would be completely lost.
Some of you may be quick to point out that there have been plenty of great games that made backtracking acceptable. I agree. But in this game, you’re going to endure an awful lot of it just to fight with magic, produce a bunch of potions, and participate in numerous Quidditch events.
Just Like Magic
The Half-Blood Prince isn’t like most adventure games, which introduce new enemies by the caseload. Instead, you’ll fight them only when the story corresponds with a battle. Side characters will test Potter’s skills every now and then, and he can join the Dueling Club for additional battles. You’ll probably want to, since this is by far the most exciting part of the game.
Battles consist of two characters, two life meters and as many spells as they can cast. Most of the spells are easy to perform and require nothing more than a push of the right thumbstick. For some spells, such as Expelliarmus, both sticks are used (push them outward simultaneously). Only a half-dozen spells are offered, but you can use them to stun, knock down and levitate your opponents, all the while inflicting damage that will slowly eat away at their life meters. Most enemy attacks can be dodged with ease, but if that’s not good enough, Protego gives you the ability to deflect a spell.
Airborne Harry
You can’t play a game of Quidditch without hopping on a broom and leaping into the air. So when Potter decides it’s time to compete, he’ll do just that. Meanwhile, the player will be responsible for maneuvering Potter through a series of star-shaped rings that appear in the level. These stars give you extra time, which is noted on screen by the color of the next star you encounter (if it’s red, you’re nearly out of time).
While cool at first, this mini-game isn’t much more than a glorified and graphically rich arcade flight sim – a really primitive one where the only goal is to keep moving. Assuming you last till the end, the Golden Snitch will be acquired automatically.
Let’s Make a Potion
Harry Potter meets Cooking Mama? Not quite. In this frequent mini-game, players must take a whole bunch of weird ingredients (bugs, poison, various liquids, etc.), drop them in a caldron and heat or stir until the color changes. Heating requires a few pumps from the right thumbstick (push it up and down until it reaches the desired color); stirring requires a few spins (turn it counter-clockwise). Each potion-making session is timed, which can make it a little more challenging than, say, dodging a poorly thrown blast of magic. But it doesn’t take long before this becomes repetitive.
New ingredients are constantly being added to try and expand the variety, but that only makes the process take longer (more ingredients means longer potions). The game also expands on what you have to do to complete the potion. In the beginning you won’t have to shake (push the thumbstick up and down) an ingredient before adding it; after a while, however, certain potions will require that you do so.
Still, it isn’t enough. Potion-making might – a big might – appeal to young girls, but that seems to conflict with the rest of the game. It’s not anti-girl or anything, but it doesn’t feel like a game that women of any age will flock to.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince isn’t a horrible game by any means, but its gameplay doesn’t extend past two mini-games and a bunch of spell-based battles. Diehard Harry Potter fans will like it but they probably won’t love it. Rent it for certain – and definitely play it before making a purchase.
Gameplay: 6.6
Each game type (flying, battling and making potions) is decent at first. One of them – battling – stays entertaining. Not monumentally addictive, but good enough to keep you playing. The other two, however, are much too easy and much too repetitive.
Graphics: 8
Potter's world looks good, but the character designs are the best part. Just be sure and brace yourself for when they open their mouths. The effect isn't pretty.
Sound: 8.3
Ignore the voice acting and embrace the score. Wait, who am I kidding? I don't have to tell you that. You're going to love this music no matter what.
Difficulty: Easy
There were moments when I stepped out of my room, stood in the hallway and peeked over at the TV in another room – all the while playing the Half-Blood Prince successfully.
Concept: 6.8
Harry Potter games need more than Quidditch flying, magic battles and potion development.
Multiplayer: 5
Club Dueling for two, which is fun for about 20 minutes.
Overall: 6.9
Before playing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, you should first be a huge Harry Potter fan. Second, you should have a high tolerance for backtracking and mini-game repetition. Third, you must be able to enjoy a game that isn't challenging (some players just can't do that). There are tons of trivial, easily-awarded trophies and a bunch of other collectible extras that should appeal to a certain crowd. But for most, this game won't outlast the lifespan of a rental.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wolfenstein (PC, PS3, XBox-360, GBA)

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Nvidia GeForce 9600GT Review

But $200 is somewhat of a "hard ceiling" for many PC owners. Sure they want to play some games, and they want them to look good and run well. But they don't have 24-inch widescreen monitors, they don't have superfast quad-core processors, and they can't yet justify spending more than $200 for a graphics card. The sub-$200 market is big, and the GeForce 8600-based products simply weren't cutting it anymore—not with the truly excellent Radeon HD 3850 coming in at well under $200 and blowing away the competition in that price range.
Finally we have Nvidia's answer, the GeForce 9600 GT. Based on the G94 chip, it is quite similar to the G92-based GeForce 8800 GT. The most striking difference is the reduction in shader units comes down to 64. But with aggressive clock speeds and a 256-bit memory interface, it is otherwise a very robust card.
Today we review EVGA's "SSC" version of the GeForce 9600 GT, a factory-overclocked version that should give gamers on a budget a reason to smile. Read More
Monday, February 23, 2009
Nvidia GeForce 9500GT Review

After viewing these scores i would go for ATI Radeon HD 3850 as it is available in the same price as that of Nvidia's 9500 GT. Read more for this gaming PC Peripheral.
Friday, February 20, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is a blend of advanced visceral combat mixed with seamless game pacing set inside a sinister and paranormal universe that begins shortly before the ending of F.E.A.R. A Special Forces squad is on a routine mission when the city of Auburn is rocked by a supernatural explosion. Alma, a girl with immense power and a thirst for revenge, has unleashed her wrath upon the city and thrown it into chaos. Tension builds as the squad must combat enemy forces and the supernatural as they struggle to find a way to stop Alma and uncover the mysterious forces arrayed against them before it’s too late.
As players move throughout the smoldering remains of Auburn in search of Alma, they must investigate the crumbling remains of schools, hospitals and alleyways as they are stalked by otherworldly creatures and enemies. Gamers will need to use everything at their disposal, including all-new weapons and superhuman abilities, to fight the supernatural forces arrayed against them and keep the entire city from succumbing to Alma.
In addition to a gripping single-player campaign, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin supports up to 16 players for action-packed multiplayer match-ups. Multiplayer options include nine maps, four modes and a powerful mix of weapons, grenades and high tech machinery, including the Elite Powered Armor (EPA) mech suits that players can take control of in both multiplayer and single-player action.
F.E.A.R. Platinum

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The first thing you’ll notice about Far Cry is the sheer enormity of the world in which you’re thrown. The island is huge, and the draw distances (measuring in at more than a kilometer) allow you to see incredibly far at any given time. Use your binoculars and you’ll be able to pick out enemies, say, standing along a beach carrying on in conversation about half a mile away. Approach an enemy encampment and you’ll see mercenaries manning mounted machine guns, target practicing and all kinds of things that add to the level of realism. Helicopters will occasionally fly overhead, patrol boats will zoom by and jeeps will drive along paths, adding to the effect that this island is constantly active. Read more about this game.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Resident Evil-5 (PS-3, XBOX-360)

Street Fighter IV: Collectors Edition (PS-3, XBOX-360)

Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS-3)

Halo-3 (XBOX-360)